How Messy is a Pool Construction Project?
A Concrete pool installation is, plain and simple, pretty messy!
As the saying goes, “we must crack a few eggs to make an omelette”. We are using giant machinery to rip out a ton of earth and construct your uniquely designed, new pool. It's not a clean, tidy process.
There tends to be a “rose-colored-glasses” assumption that there won't be that many machines, and they won't make that much of a mess. In the past we've heard people say, "I didn't know my yard was going be such a mess. No one told me."
Well, we are telling you now—and Aquascape Pools is here to share the process!
We recommend that with new construction homes, you should put the pool in before the landscaping and driveway go in. Get the messy work done first along with the rest of the construction. Afterwards, you can craft the beautiful details and know that they'll stay in good shape.
What happens to our yard during a pool installation?
Torn-up access lanes and Lawn
Stockpiled dirt for backfilling
Muddy tracks from equipment
Cracks on the sides of a asphalt or concrete walks and driveways
Damaged sprinkler heads, pipes and drain lines
Damaged underground utilities
What type of equipment will cause all the mess in the yard?
Below is the list of things that will collectively damage your yard, but we cannot build the pool without them!
Dump trucks
Concrete trucks
Large trucks bringing flatbed trailers to haul the excavator
The skid loader
The truck hauling the crew back and forth

These machines and trucks will more than likely leave large, muddy ruts in your yard, sometimes 2 ruts if it's a tandem axle.
The good news is that we can fill in these ruts after the fact. We may even be able to use the stockpiled dirt to do it.
Getting started, you will want to say goodbye to your grass before the excavation crew arrives. Between the machinery and the piles of dirt, your grass is going to be damaged. You'll have to replenish that grass in areas outside the pool and patio.
Unfortunately, the damage isn't limited to the earth. The machinery might also damage your driveway. It could crack on the sides, especially if it's asphalt or concrete. Most driveways and walkways are not built to handle the weight of heavy trucks and equipment.
NOTE: Aquascape is happy to help with the arrangements to repair damages such as these, but the charges are not included in the pool proposal.
The excavator's mess
Now, let's talk specifically about the excavator and the skid loader for a second. The excavator has to get from one end of the pool dig to the other, and it needs to maneuver everywhere that the patio will be.
The skid loader moves material around, like dirt and stone. It's the workhorse of the project site. If we are removing dirt and debris, a skid steer will be used to put it in the dump trucks. This can take place several times over the course of construction.
While it does the heavy lifting, the skid loader basically leaves you a road, but not in the nice way. Hence, “ruts”
This is a muddy, dirty mess stretching from many different points in and around the project site. It will create these muddy paths and roadways throughout the project, in various places around your property.
We know, it’s not what you want to hear! Again, we must crack a few eggs to make an omelette!
What happens with all the dirt that comes out of the ground during a pool installation?
When we excavate the hole where the pool will go, that dirt must go to another location. The excavated dirt will either get hauled away or it must be stockpiled nearby for later use. Depending on the project, this isn’t your average pile of dirt. This can be a BIG PILE of DIRT. You may need some dirt elsewhere on your property at some point down the road so, if you keep this pile, it will be ready for you when the time comes.
Remember that wherever it sits, this pile of dirt will cover an area of grass at least the size of your pool or larger. Consider this space dead to you! You'll need to replenish it with new grass once the dirt is moved.
How long will the yard be messy from a pool installation project?
Just remember, none of this damage is permanent. Also, the exact duration of the chaos depends on the pool project, its size, and features.
An average custom pool can take between 8 to 16 weeks to complete.
Our goal is to complete your project as quickly as possible, while not undermining the quality of the construction. Keep in mind that each day of rain can delay a project by 3-4 days. It takes time for areas to dry out so we can proceed.
Is an Aquascape Pool installation really worth the mess?
Well...take a look and decide for yourself.
Whether you go for extravagant elegance or you’re at ease in native simplicity, Aquascape will bring to life the paradise that belongs in your backyard.